Creeping Eruptions Hookworm Walk in Medical Center Orlando


Creeping Eruptions


Cutaneous Larva Migrans


Hookworm infestation

A 53 year old patient was seen by Dr. Jain at the walk in Clinic in Dr. Phillips area. The patient is in landscaping business and he noticed the rash of his foot for 7 days. The rash was red and having a serpiginous track which keeps on moving and itches constantly.

Dr. Jain examined the patient and saw the serpiginous track which has the character of snake like track with the raised margins. The patient also had the blister at the begining of the track.

Diagnosis was creeping eruptions which is also known as cutaneous larva migrans.

Treatment was topical cream and also a new medicine Ivermectin 12 mg per day (one dose treatment). The patient also was given local cream compounded in water soluble media to be applied locally.

Discussion: Creeping eruptions are usually from the hookworm larva and it can invade the normal skin. Hookworm eggs are found in the stool of the infected dogs and cats. When the eggs hatch, the larvae can infect the soil and vegetation.

When the people walk bare feet and come in contact with the infested soil then larvae can burrow and invade through the normal skin. This causes intense inflammatory reaction and itching which can lead to the blistering.

The main risk factor for this disease is contact with damp, sandy soil contaminated with infected cat or dog stool. More children than adults are infected because they play in the ground bare footed.

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2 Responses to Creeping Eruptions Hookworm Walk in Medical Center Orlando

  1. jd says:

    Can you come to Ohio and school 2 different Emergency Rooms

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