Dr. Usha Jain is a medical director of Emergi-Care Medical Center in Orlando. Dr. Jain specializes in emergency medicine, Antiaging medicine and pediatrics. At walk in medical center, we do regular care and also take care of emergencies.
Dr. Jain is very experienced in minor surgeries such as suturing a laceration, removing foreign bodies, growth and cysts etc.
Dr. Jain removed a lump which was there on the thumb of a patient. The patient had lump at the base of the nail which happened due to trauma from removing the cuticle. That is called traumatic granuloma. Dr. Jain anesthetized the skin and remove the lump.
Traumatic granuloma happens from injury to the tissues and in the present case the injury is from removing the cuticle.
The traumatic granuloma can bleed sometimes and it can be painful also.