Dr. Usha Jain Stands for Human Rights of Equality

Dr. Usha Jain is an advocate of Human Rights of equality and antidiscrimination. Dr. Jain stands up against racial prejudice and intolerant attitudes. Dr. Jain will share a story of two Judges who have used their authorities differently. Traffic court Judge in California cared about the welfare of the patient and rescheduled the set hearing of the Plastic surgeon, Dr. Green so he can concentrate on his care of the patient even when another doctor was attending. On the contrary, state court Judge Jefferey Ashton in Orlando used his authority differently. Judge Ashton asked the doctor to attend the unscheduled hearing while the doctor was working on a patient with multiple injuries. How can Judge ask the doctor to leave the patient on the exam table and attend the unscheduled hearing. Why Judge want a doctor to deviate from the moral obligation to the patient and the standard of care. The hearing was not noticed for the time when the Judge called. One Judge in California consider the health and welfare of the patient first and rescheduled the hearing whereas Judge Ashton in Orlando did exactly opposite and did not care for the health and welfare of the patient.

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