41 year old patient was treated for rectal pain and painful lump in the rectal area for 3 days. It was difficult to walk and sit for the patient. Dr. Usha Jain who is an expert in the emeergency and board certified treated that patient. The patient had an external hamorrhoid which was very painful and the skin was tense.
Dr. Usha Jain is expert in minor surgery and opened the hemorrhoid and took the clot out. The patient responded well to the surgery and patient healed well.
Our contact number is 407 876-5555

Hemorrhoid Clot Removed
rectal pain,painful lump in the rectal area,difficult to walk,Dr. Usha Jain,expert in the emeergency,board certified, external hamorrhoid, painful, skin tense,expert in minor surgery,opened the hemorrhoid,took the clot out,surgery.