A 35-year-old patient was seen in our Urgent Care Medical Clinic in Orlando by Dr. Usha Jain for asthma flare up. The patient treated herself with inhalers and also a solumedrol injection was given by her Dr. friend in Puerto Rico. The patient had injected herself with 2 injections and was not responding.
The patient was unable to talk without shortness of breath. The patient also had a cold, cough and fever for the previous 3 days. The patient had treated herself with a steroid injection given by doctor in Puerto Rico.
The patient was given a chest x-ray, blood was drawn and was given a test for flu . The patient was immediately given adrenaline and a decadron injection. The patient was also treated with updraft with xopenex to help her for wheezing. The patient was also hydrated with IV fluids.
Patient had normal chest x-ray. Flu test was positive.
The patient was given antibiotics and Tamiflu for flu. The patient responded well and started to breath normally. The patient was sent home with instructions to follow up the next day.
The patient felt better the next day and fever and shortness of breath was resolved.
It is important to treat the flare up of asthma properly and seek medical care when it is not responding to regulat treatment specially to inhalers.
Patients should see a doctor if fever is present, with frequent use of an inhaler. It is very detrimental to use steroids as it can mask an underlying infection. Steroids should be taken if they are given by a doctor after proper diagnosis and proper treatment of infection. It is important to look for the cause of the flare up of asthma and properly treat the cause.