- Urgent Care Walk-In Medical Clinic Orlando
4800 S. Apopka Vineland Rd.
Orlando, FL 32819
407-876-5555 Watch Our Youtube Shorts Dr. Jain’s interactions with patients
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Dr. Usha Jain truly bellieves in Non-Violence and Karma. Having good faith will take you far in life...
Dr. Usha Jain Dr. Jain Urgent Care blood tests Orlando Walk-In Clinic chest x-ray EKG patient antibiotics Emergi-Care Medical Center Dr. Phillips area medical clinic fever medical clearance cough Emergency Medicine Walk in Medical Center high fever x-ray walk in medical clinic Windermere Dr. Phillips blood drawn Walk in Clinic Orlando anti-aging Anti-Aging Medicine Vitamins rash CBC Pediatrics lab work Urgent Care Medical Center IV fluids Immigration physical no appointment Walk-In Urgent Care Clinic Urgent Care Center flu medical director Tamiflu 32819 sore throat headache hormones board certified in Emergency Medicine same day appointment 32836 Walk in Clinic in Orlando shortness of breath lab tests abdominal pain diabetes medical center tiredness plastic surgery Dr Usha Jain USCIS Exams congestion 407 876-5555 cold emergency room immigration diarrhea board certified bronchitis. testosterone doctor nausea exercise growth strep test flu test Board Certified doctorAnti-Aging News
- Postmenopaual & Replacement with Bioidentical HormonesDr. Jain specializes in Anti-aging and uses bioidentical hormones to help with energy and sleep. Hormones that are needed for many functions. Please see the video of the patient. The post Postmenopaual & Replacement with Bioidentical Hormones first appeared on Anti-Aging Center.
- Hyperbaric Oxygen for Rejuvenation and Healthy Cells by Dr. Usha JainDr. Usha Jain is the medical director of Emergicare Medical Center and specializes in Anti-aging medicine, Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics. Dr. Jain’s strategy is to use antiaging technics that are natural and help all the body cells to be healthy. … Continue reading → The post Hyperbaric Oxygen for Rejuvenation and Healthy Cells by Dr. […]
- Diwali Celebration and Dress up Strategy for Anti-agingDr. Usha Jain specializes in Emergency Medicine, Anti-Aging medicine and Pediatrics. Dr. owns and operates the medical center and helps her patients with antiaging strategies. Celebration creates memories that will make you happy and dressing -up uplifts you. These are … Continue reading → The post Diwali Celebration and Dress up Strategy for Anti-aging first […]
- Low Vitamin D Helps with Skin Issues like Eczema and PsoriasisDr. Usha Iain is an expert in Anti-aging and emergency medicine and recommends blood test for Vitamin D to check for deficiencies. Making Vitamin D optimum can help the skin conditions. Simple blood test can determine a deficiency of vitamin … Continue reading → The post Low Vitamin D Helps with Skin Issues like Eczema […]
- Natural Treatment of Blood Pressure by Magnesium at Anti-Aging Urgent Care OrlandoDr. Usha Jain uses Magnesium to lower blood pressure either by itself or with blood pressure medicine. This natural treatment can help with borderline high blood pressure. Dr. Jain treated a patient who had uncontrolled high blood pressure by adding … Continue reading → The post Natural Treatment of Blood Pressure by Magnesium at Anti-Aging […]
- Glutathione Shot by Dr. Usha Jain at Anti-aging Center OrlandoDr. Usha Jain is certified in Anti-Aging and regenerative medicine and recommends glutathione injection for healthy tissue. It is a natural treatment for muscle pains and injuries. It can be given IV or IM and it helps for healthy cells. … Continue reading → The post Glutathione Shot by Dr. Usha Jain at Anti-aging Center […]
- Natural Treatment of Blood Pressure by Beet JuiceDr. Usha Jain is a medical director and recommends beet juice to lower blood pressure. Beet juice contains nitric acid which relaxes the arteries, thereby reducing the blood pressure. it is a natural means for slightly high blood pressure. The post Natural Treatment of Blood Pressure by Beet Juice first appeared on Anti-Aging Center.
- Hormonal Therapy Helps for Energy and Tiredness Anti-Aging Center OrlandoDr. Usha Jain is the medical director of the Anti-Aging Center in Orlando. Dr. Jain specializes in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and also Emergency Medicine. Dr. Jain can take care of your hormonal replacement. Dr. Jain balances the hormones and … Continue reading → The post Hormonal Therapy Helps for Energy and Tiredness Anti-Aging Center […]
- Vitamin D Injection by Dr. Usha Jain for Immunity BoostDr. Usha Jain specializes in Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine and gives Vitamin D injections to bring the levels up. Vitamin D is an important vitamin for immunity and many other conditions of skin and also prevents cancer. The post Vitamin D Injection by Dr. Usha Jain for Immunity Boost first appeared on Anti-Aging Center.
- IV Vitamins by Dr. Usha Jain at Anti-Aging Center OrlandoDr. Jain specializes in anti-aging and rejuvenation along with emergency medicine and pediatrics. IV vitamins can help you rejuvenate your cells and that is a great anti-aging strategy. The post IV Vitamins by Dr. Usha Jain at Anti-Aging Center Orlando first appeared on Anti-Aging Center.
- Postmenopaual & Replacement with Bioidentical Hormones
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Category Archives: Pediatrics
Elbow out of Place in a Baby Walk in Clinic Orlando
A 17 months old baby was seen at the emergicare Medical Center for not being able to move the left elbow. No history of fall but the arm seemed to pull out and the baby was crying. The parents took … Continue reading →
Posted in Emergencies, Emergency Care, Family Health Care, Medical Needs, Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Routine Medical Services
Tagged arm seemed to pull out, dislocation, emergicare Medical center, his or her arm is held straight, lifted by the hand, move the left elbow, No history of fall, nursemaids elbow, or hold onto a child's hands and swing him or her around while playing, or sublux, pull a resistant child's hand to get him or her to move faster, pull on the hand, Radial head subluxation, reduced the subluxation of the head of the radius, subluxation of the radius, the bone can pull out of position, the socket of the elbow joint, when you try to lift a child up onto a sidewalk by the hand, Xray of the elbow was normal, xrays of the elbow and wrist, young child is pulled
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Reaction to the Vaccination Walk in Clinic Orlando
Reaction to injections (vaccination, antibiotics) can occur to any patient and it can be present differently in different patient. Also, the reaction and pattern of the reaction to the particular medicine in injection is beyond the control of the doctor. … Continue reading →
Posted in Emergencies, Emergency Care, Family Health Care, Medical Needs, Patient Stories, Pediatrics
Tagged antibiotics, blood for the titre for measles mumps and Rubella, certificate of the immunity, differential diagnosis, Dr. Jain, Emergency clinic, immune to measles, immunity tests, letter for job, lymph node in the chest, macular rash, medicine in injection, MMR, mumps and Rubella, nodule in the left breast, papular lesions, pattern of the reaction, physical, rash, reaction from the shot, reaction is not typical, reaction medicine in the shot, Reaction to injections, reaction to the shot, staph infection, tetanus shot, vaccination
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High Fever Kidney Infections Walk in Medical Center Orlando
A 45 year old patient was seen at the urgent care medical center for high fever. The patient did not have symptoms The patient also has cardiac history and take many drugs including Quinidine. The patient had blood tests and urinanalysis … Continue reading →
Posted in Emergencies, Emergency Care, Family Health Care, Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Routine Medical Services, Urgent Care
Tagged antibiotic infusion, antibiotics, bacterial infection, blood cultures, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac history, high fever, kidney infection, pain in the renal area, Pyelonephritis, quinidine, Quinidine.cardiac history, Urgent Care Medical Center, urinanalysis, urine culture
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Splinter-Palm Needle Removal Urgent Care Orlando 32819,32836
A 50 year old patient was seen by Dr. Jain at our Urgent Care Center in Dr. Phillips area for removal of splinter. The patient got stuck by the palm needle one month ago while doing the gardening. The patient … Continue reading →
Posted in Emergencies, Emergency Care, Family Health Care, Medical Needs, Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Routine Medical Services, Urgent Care
Tagged 32819, 32836, antibiotic injections, antibiotics, cystic swelling around the puncture wound, Dr. Jain, Dr. Phillips area for removal of splinter, gardening, of the foot, palm needle, Palm Needle Removal, puncture wound, Splinter, Splinter-Palm Needle Removal Urgent Care Orlando 32819, surgery, the granulomatous tissue, Urgent Care Center, Urgent Care Orlando, x ray for the foreign body
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Roseola-Rash-Fever Urgent Care Pediatrics-Dr. Phillips-32819
We have seen a 9 month old patient in our urgent care center in Dr. Phillips area in Orlando with rash for 24 hours. The patient is feeling fine and is not itching. Mother was concerned about strep causing the … Continue reading →
Posted in Emergencies, Emergency Care, Family Health Care, Medical Needs, Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Routine Medical Services, Urgent Care
Tagged diagnosis of scarlet fever.Roseola, Dr. Phillips area, Dr.Jain who is board certified in Emergency medicine and pediatrics, herpes virus, high fever, itching, Orlando, Rash and fever, rash for 24 hours, roseola, strep, strep causing the rash, strep test, Urgent Care Center, viral infection, y and is spread by a respiratory route. The patient typically have high fever for 2 to 3 days and appearance of the rash with resolution of the fever. Rash can last for 2 to 3 days & the patient f
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Impetigo-Ecthyma-Urgent Care Orlando Near Disney 32819,32836
We have seen a patient who is 50 years old with the history of sores on his arms and thighs. The patient was seen by Dr. Jain who diagnosed the patient having impetigo. The patient also had deeper tissue infection … Continue reading →
Posted in Emergencies, Emergency Care, Family Health Care, Medical Needs, Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Routine Medical Services, Urgent Care
Tagged blood chemistry, CBC, culture, Dr. Jain, ecthyma, golmerulonephritis, honey colored scales, impetigo, implanted in the skin, injection of the antibiotic, kidney problems, lesion, oral antibiotic, oral antibiotics, sores on his arms and thighs, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, superficial infection, tissue infection, ulcerated
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Bleeding Under Nail (Subungual Hematoma) Walk In Clinic Orlando FL
A 45 year old patient came to Walk in urgent care Clinic in Orlando in Dr. Phillips area for pain, throbbing and blood collected under the nail after a crush injury from slamming the finger in the car door. The patient … Continue reading →
Posted in Emergencies, Emergency Care, Family Health Care, Medical Needs, Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Routine Medical Services
Tagged blood collected under the nail, blood collecting between the nail and the nail beds, blood under the nail, blood was drained., crush injury, dark-colored discoloration, Dr. Jain, Dr. Phillips area, draining the blood from the nail, hot cautery, making the holes in the nail, pain, purple-black under nail, relief from the pain, rlando, slamming the finger in the car door, swelling of the tip of the finger, tenderness, throbbing, throbbing pain, Toe nail, Walk in urgent care linic, x ray of the thumb
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Bug in the Ear Doctor’s Office Walk in Clinic Orlado Gotha
Doctor Usha Jain is board certified in emergency medicine and an expert in emergency care. This is a an example of what happenned in our clinic where you can walk in clinic with no appointment and can see the board … Continue reading →
Posted in Emergencies, Emergency Care, Medical Needs, Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Routine Medical Services
Tagged Affordable fee, Board Certified doctor, board certified in Emergency Medicine, bug in the ear, doctor Usha Jain, Doctor's office on Sunday, expert in emergency care, feeling a movement in the ear, immediate relief, irrigated the ear, medical problem., no appointment, open at 12 pm, silver fish came out of the ear, something is moving in the ear, stressed, Walk-In, Walk-In Clinic, walked in the office
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Subconjuctival Hemorrhage Blood in the Eye Walk in Clinic
A 35 year old patient was seen in the Urgent Care Center for possible pink eye for 3 days. The patient was seen in another walk in clinic and was diagnosed to have pink eye and was given the antibiotic eye … Continue reading →
Posted in Emergencies, Emergency Care, Family Health Care, Medical Needs, Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Routine Medical Services
Tagged antibiotic drops, antibiotic eye drops, bleeding from leukemia., bleeding in the eye, Blood in the Eye, blood work, discharge in the eye, Dr. Jain, Emergi-Care Medical Center, pink eye, Subconjuctival Hemorrhage, Urgent Care Center, vigomox, Walk-In Clinic
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UTI Prostate Kidney Bladder Infections Walk In Clinic Orlando Fl
We have seen a 55 year old with history of pressure on urination and urgency on urination. The patient also had low grade fever. The patient had urine culture and urinalysis which showed leukocytes and bacteria. The patient also have … Continue reading →
Posted in Anti-Aging, Emergencies, Emergency Care, Family Health Care, Medical Needs, Patient Stories, Pediatrics, Routine Medical Services, Urgent Care
Tagged pressure on urination, PSA, urgency on urination.low grade fever
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